Saturday, March 8, 2014


Sorry to Zest! supporters  -  the post for March 8th should have gone on my personal blog
red botinki.
and somehow I got my wires crossed and it has appeared here.The penalty of doing several things at once!

What should have appeared here was thanks to all of you for supporting us last Monday and coming to hear Roy McFarlane who gave a stirring and lively performance, getting everyone to their feet to join in a call-and-response poem.

I mentioned on the 3rd March that we are putting our price for admission to Zest! nights up to a simple £3 per person; we cannot afford to continue the concessionary fee anymore, I'm sorry to say, as numbers of attendance have been dropping lately and unless we can afford to make enough to pay for the hire of Alexander's we will be left with one of two options: to find another venue, or else to close Zest! down.

We run Zest! totally for your benefit, not to make profit. And we do our best to bring an interesting variety of poets from elsewhere to Chester to give the Zest!evenings that extra zing.

SO, it's up to you, our supporters, to do what you can to keep supporting us!!  Please continue to do so: we have more exciting poets as guests for the rest of 2014, Chrys Salt in June, Brian Johnstone in October, and 3 local poets  - Maureen Weldon, Dave Costello and Edwin Stockdale -who have all achieved  their first publication in December. Congratulations to all three.

The next Zest! will be on Monday 2nd June. Please do your very best to come!

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