Friday, November 23, 2012

Zest! Dates in 2013

Monday 25th February 2013 at 8:00 pm
Guest Poets - Jan Dean and Phil Williams Compère - Gill McEvoy
Jan Dean hardly needs any introduction to Zest! followers. Jan has published two collections of poetry (Macmillan and & Blackie) and had poems published in over 100 anthologies. Jan is well-known for her work with schools and has undertaken a whole lot of innovative and interesting writing projects. 
Phil Williams hosts poetry open-mic events in South Cheshire and has had poems published in Agenda, Iota, Poetry News and Planet. He grew up in South Wales, spent two years in Australia as a '£10 Pom' and studied and worked in Yorkshire. He now lives in Alsager, works freelance in marketing and edits the Leopard Poetry blog

 Monday 3rd June 2013 at 8:00 pm
Guest Poet - Katrina Naomi Compère: Leih Steggall
Katrina Naomi is a South-London based poet. Her first full collection The Girl with the Cactus Handshake (Templar Poetry, 2009)was described as “arresting and vivid” by the judges of the London New Poetry Award. 

 Monday 7th October 2013 at 8:00 pm
Guest poets to be confirmed soon. Compère - Angela Topping
We will be taking entries for our special mini poetry competition to mark National Poetry Day 2013 - this will be the usual four-liner on the theme announced as the National Poetry Day Theme for 2013.

 Monday 2nd December at 8:00 pm
Our usual end of year Open Floor Joint compères - Gill McEvoy and Leih Steggall
Results of our special mini poetry competition to mark National Poetry Day will be announced and prizes awarded as usual

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The next Zest! Open Floor Poetry Night is on  Monday 1 October starting at 8:00 pm, at Alexanders, Rufus Court, Off Northgate, Chester CH1 2JG (Entry £2/3)
Guest poet: Tom George
Compère: Angela Topping
Liverpool-based performer, Tom George “has been delighting audiences for over 10 years”. Tom has been featured on Channel 4 TV and staged several one-man shows at Liverpool’s Unity theatre.
STOP PRESS! Zest! mini-poetry competition to celebrate National Poetry Day 2012
To celebrate the forthcoming National Poetry Day, we are inviting all “Zesters” to submit a 4-line poem on the theme of STARS  at Zest! On 1st October (we’ll have slips of paper and pens available in case you want to create on the night). Remember to write your name and email address on your submission. All 4-line poems will be judged and the results announced at our Christmas Zest! Open Floor Poetry Night on Monday 3rd December 2012. There will be prizes for the best 3 submissions!!
At every Zest! we invite you to bring your own or a favourite poem to read, or just come to listen!
SLOTS FOR EARLY BIRDS: There are five 3-poem reading slots for those who register to read early.
POETRY BOOK TABLE: We also have have quality new and used poetry books available to buy on our poetry book table. Please feel free to bring any poetry books you would like to pass on /sell.
Other dates to put on your calendar
1. SPECIAL FESTIVAL ZEST! Monday 22 October 2012.  This Special Zest! Is to be held in collaboration with the Essar Oil Literature Festival, Chester 15-28 October, 2012 (£1.50 /£2 / £3)
We look forward to welcoming poets from all over the world at this special Zest! night.
2. CHESTER POETS AT THE FESTIVAL! Chester Poets will launch their new anthology along with readings and a little light music as well as another open mic session at The Cross Keys, Lower Bridge Street on Thursday 25th October at 7:30 pm (Free)
3. REBECCA GOSS: a special opportunity to celebrate National Poetry Day with Poet Rebecca Goss at  Bebington Central Library (Civic Centre Way, Bebington, CH63 7PN) at 2.30 pm on 4th October 2012.
Admission: Free (For other details: T: 01516437219 and E:
4. REBECCA GOSS AND MARY ROBISNON AT THE FESTIVAL! Rebecca reads again with Mary Robinson during the Essar Oil Literarture Festival, at Chester Town Hall, Northgate, Chester CH1 2HJ, on Thursday 25th October at 1pm (£3). You may already know that Rebecca lives in Liverpool and that her first full-length collection, The Anatomy of Structures came out in June 2010. Mary Robinson lives in Cumbria where she works in adult and continuing education and her collection The Art of Gardening was published in 2011.

Greetings from the Zest! Team
Zest! Open Floor Poetry

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Mondays are often good nights for poets and here are a few Mondays not to miss!!

Stanley Palace, Watergate, Chester, CH1 2LF on 24th September 2012 from 7:00 - 9:00 pm. £15.
Poem Catchers presents a special poetry writing workshop  to celebrate National Poetry Day 2012- a creative evening in the inspiring setting of one of Chester's most historic buildings.
To book: email

Sometimes the stars seem so close you could almost touch them; sometimes they’re hidden by light pollution. But they’re always them we give them names, we look up to them we navigate by them, we say we’re born under the influence of certain stars, we call our famous personalities “stars”. Rising stars. Falling Stars. Shooting stars. This workshop sets out via several writing exercises to explore our fascination with the stars, including our “earthling stars”, the celebrities.

Guest poet: Tom George
Liverpool-based performer, Tom George “has been delighting audiences for over 10 years”. Tom has been featured on Channel 4 TV and staged several one-man shows at Liverpool’s Unity theatre.

Monday 22 October 2012. FESTIVAL ZEST!
Special Zest! to be held in collaboration with the Essar Oil Literature Festival, Chester 15-28 October, 2012
We look forward to welcoming poets from all over the world at this special Zest! night.

Monday 3 December 2012: END OF YEAR ZEST!
Our usual end of year Open Floor

At every Zest! we invite you to bring your own or a favourite poem to read, or just come to listen! There are five 3-poem reading slots for those who register to read early. We also have have quality new and used poetry books available to buy on our poetry book table.

Zest! nights begin at 8:00 pm and take place at Alexanders Theatre Bar, Rufus Court, off Northgate, Chester CH1 2JG (Entry £2/3)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Zest! 19th March 2012

A night of excellent poems: Bob made me feel I was really wading through the muck and yuk at a Stone Roses gig: Katy celebrated her thirtieth birthday with an elegy for her twenties; Ray read a very moving poem on the loss of a child; Janet considered the possibilty of a UFO landing in her backyard; Jean, a newcomer to Zest! gave a splendidly confident reading of her poem; Edwin eulogised the Brontes in yet another Bronte poem (how many has the man written??!!); Maureen gave her all to a reading of Yeats' "Down by the Salley Gardens"; Zest! team member Judy actually read twice and team member Leih read a fine poem about a hidden well under the floor; Graham entertained us with a list of all the chores he left undone; Harry fantasised about Eastern promise; Emma celebrated Chester's canal. In short it was a very full, rich night of hugely varied poems, and the icing on the cake was a very good reading from newest Zest! team member Angela Topping. If I have missed anyone out, and I know I will have, I still want you all to know that your poems are so much apreciated. Zest! is an extraordinary night; none of us ever know what's coming and the sheer spread of subject matter in your poems is astonishing. Warm thanks to all of you who contributed. And not only your own poems but poems from Mary Oliver, Seamus Heaney, Whitman, Larkin and Esther Morgan. A really marvellous night. Can't wait for the next one to hear more of these wonderful offerings!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Monday 19 March 2012 Guest poet: Angela Topping

Zest! nights begin at 8:00 pm and take place at Alexanders’ Theatre Bar, Rufus Court, off Northgate, Chester CH1 2JG (Entry £2/3)

Bring your own or a favourite poem to read, or just come to listen! There are five 3-poem reading slots for those who register to read early. Those who come later may just get the chance to read 1 poem, depending on time. We will have some quality new and used poetry books available to buy.

We look forward to seeing you!